anxiety, Mental Health

We Made It!

We made it to the park!

This is such a huge win for me because anxiety tends to keep me prisoner in my own house. It runs my mind through everything that can possibly go wrong, every minor inconvenience, every worst case scenario, until I have convinced myself it’s better to just stay home.

It’s never better to stay home.

Staying home means staring at the same four walls under artificial lighting while breathing stuffy air, gradually feeling more and more lethargic as the toddler destroys the place. It’s telling him off over and over again and feeling guilty about it because you know he’s just bored of his toys and is getting cabin fever but you just can’t face going out. Its convincing yourself you’re an awful mother for keeping him inside 24/7 when you know how important outdoor time is for children’s development.

And the house continues to get messier and dirtier giving me more housework to do until I tell myself I just don’t have time to go out. And the shouting escalates and the clutter escalates until eventually I snap.

So we went to the park. Anxiety will not keep me prisoner any more 😘

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